Friday, February 21, 2014

Where the Steam Counts

In celebration of my progressing in the #smutmarathon I'm posting a story I did a few years back for another contest.

Where the Steam Counts

The chime rang ten minutes late. Caroline was always late, she had never made it on time yet. I gave her the customary ten minutes to disrobe and get herself positioned on the table. I could only do a few of these a day, and since she was a favorite, always booked her in at the end of the day so that she wouldn't  mess up my schedule.

Before stepping I disrobed, and clad in the traditional loincloth for these appointments entered the room with a smile, “So nice of you to make it Caroline.” I said with a smile.

She looked up and gave me a shy grin, “I got caught in traffic…again.”

“Wouldn't know what to think if you didn't.”

Her body was already beading with sweat from the sauna. That’s my specialty, firm massage in a steamy sauna. Clients loved it, and paid for the privilege of being one of the few I could do each day. There was something liberating about the heat. Once the muscles soaked in that steamy heat, they surrendered the knots they held as if by magic. “Is the pressure good?” I asked for the first time of many for our session.

“Oh god yes.” She answered.

Caroline’s body was far from perfect, she was a real woman, not some fake plastic surgery trophy wife. 

Curves no one would ever imagine from her suits graced her frame in ways that could only truly be appreciated by touch.

I started at the shoulders, working broad strokes into her flesh. Her sweat soaked skin needed no lotions in here. When I found the first knot I began working it with my thumbs. “How was your day?” Light conversation was the only lubricant needed to help loosen her up, as if the words helped her mind relax while my hands worked on her body.
“The usual, too much complaining, teachers, parents, students,” she groaned when I really dug into the knot and lost her train of thought. It always made me smile to make her lose her concentration like that. Caroline was the principal at a junior high school near here. It made it convenient for her at the end of her long stress-filled days.
We filled the time with idle conversation while I moved down her body, stopping at her sacrum to ply that tender diamond. She held a lot of tension there and the pressure I had to use rocked her body on the table. 

Her head turned to the side while her long hair trailed off the other side of the table and soft noises that I doubt even she was aware that she made growled softly as her lower back relaxed.

The towel over her ass was soaked through with sweat, and I bypassed the entire middle section of her and went to work from the bottom up, starting at her toes, working through her calves and hamstrings. All the while she puddle more onto the table. Around the noises she made I could hear the soft drip of her sweat striking the floor as she soaked through the towel underneath. The other leg proved difficult with worse knotting. I always chided her to sit with better posture and not cross her legs the same way all time to make it easier on her body, but she always forgot.

With both legs worked out I approached her ass again and folded the towel down her body to begin working on her glutes. A lot of women tensed when they were massaged there, and at first Caroline did as well. “You need to relax.” I reminded her.

Considering how much time she spent behind her desk, her ass was still taut under the softness of her. I knew she didn't enjoy her morning runs, but they had paid off and the proof of that was under my fingers. I folded the cloth lower and lower as I my fingers slid across her flesh.

I was sweating too, small rivulets fell from my arms and legs, and I could feel the loincloth fall heavy over me. It was unprofessional, but I could not help but be stirred by her. She didn't help matters either. Caroline rolled her hips gently under me and the sounds coming from her sounded more focused, more carnal.

As if on cue, her feet hooked over the edges of the table and she drew her knees up slightly, The entire effect rolled her up granting access to the one muscle group she really needed massaged after a long day. The first intelligible word from her in the last twenty minutes was whispered, “Please.”

I knew what she wanted, and I knew when she called and booked time that this is what she really wanted. I reached up and gently moved a tangle of her hair back behind her ear with one finger, “Of course.”

Years of practice had taught me exactly how to do this, and it was definitely not taught in any massage therapy course I've ever taken, but it was something my clientele wanted, and was willing to pay well for receiving.

I placed one hand on her back over her heart to find its rhythm and rested the other on her ass. I let the beat of her fill me before letting my hand slide down her cheeks. She parted her thighs graciously to accommodate the width of my hand. Once I had her lips under my palm I started massaging gently. The heat from her, from where the steam counts was evident, gentle pressure from my palm split her lips open and the warmth of her sluiced down my fingers in thick viscous threads. I raised my fingers and teased them through the thick brown thatch she bore.

Caroline’s hands gripped the table and she tried to rise. I kept her pinned there with my hand, still using it to gauge her inner rhythm and massaging her time with it. She rolled her hips under me and I wished I had a third hand to keep her in place. She pushed up higher and on the down-stroke and I let my thumb glide into her.

The firm spongy spot at the top of her pubic bone was easy to find and as soon as I began massaging the noises she made rose and more of her spilled down my palm. “Is the pressure good?” I asked.  The dreamy eyed look she gave me was answer enough. That spot likes firm pressure and I stroked across it in a gentle circle, first in one direction, then the opposite. Caroline moved her hips more urgently and I felt the first spasms begin to pulse through her.

“Times not up I said,” withdrawing my thumb and waiting several seconds for her to catch her breath.
I fed in my index finger and its neighbor into her and found the plump spot deep inside her that genuinely needs stimulation. It was like an over-ripe plum. Full and soft and warm- and begging for attention.

“Oh yes.” Caroline spoke her last intelligible words of the session.

I worked the spot around and around, timing the strokes with her heart, feeling the pressure behind it build. 

“This is what you really came for…isn't it?” I asked teasingly.

Her head nodded. It only took a few moments to take her to a climax this way. Her body bucked and all of her steamy heat pulsed out of her around my hand as she squirted in three long streams. I let my fingers wind down slowly, feeling the joy of her pulsing around my fingers and under my hand.

Only after she fell limp to the table did I withdraw.

I leaned down over her and kissed her brow before opening the door and grabbing her robe from the hook outside.

“Why don’t you head upstairs and shower?” I told her. “There’s water on the counter, you’ll be dehydrated from the…steam.”

She gave me a weak look as I helped her up. “Of course, it’s the steam.”

I watched my wife leave and wondered how I’d ever been such a lucky man to find her.

Some Days...

Some days... it all just seems like a lot to deal with. I haven't been writing here like I had hoped. And I apologize for that. I was healing well from my knee surgery, then things took a downward turn. Last Tuesday I was barely able to walk by the end of the day. I called the surgeon and got an appointment. I figured fluid behind the patella, or maybe a minor infection.

According to him, its the arthritis he saw in there while doing the surgery. WTF! the arthritis hurts more than the shredded meniscus? All I can say is that getting old is not for sissies.

Work has been a challenge too. I'm taking on new responsibilities that are going to take up a lot of time. I just hope there's more pay at the end too, though I'm not counting on it.

And lastly, a very nice older lady at work today took a tumble down the stairs because the on and off elevator was off. I wound up giving first aid and all I can say is that head wounds and white shirt's don't mix well. I've got it soaking in hydrogen peroxide to maybe lift the stains.  I'm hopeful, its my favorite white dress shirt.

In good news, I made it past the first round of Alison Tyler's #smutmarathon . On to round two. There's 14 left I think. Waiting on what the next prompt is to get working on that..

Looking forward to a good weekend, I could use it.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Aural Aids

This week #WickedWednesday's challenge was to write a story between 500 to 1000 words that began "Angela brushed her skirt, took a deep breath and walked towards where he was sitting." I have to say that it was a challenge. My first draft was about 2500 pages, and a much better story, this comes in at 998. After this week I'll may work on the original bit so you can see what I had to cut out to make it fit. Its not great, but I hope you enjoy.



Angela brushed her skirt, took a deep breath and walked towards where he was sitting. She sat at the table, leaned forward and whispered, “Are you the guy.”

 He looked her over, smiling after a moment. “That depends on what guy you think I am.”

 “The one with the study aids.” Angela turned her hand over and flashed the cash had stowed there. “I am that guy.” He pulled out a sim card and placed it on the table.

“You don’t have to be so clandestine,” he teased, “It’s perfectly legal.” She dropped the cash and reached for the card. “One person, three plays. That’s the deal.” She nodded and he lifted the finger. Angela picked up the chip and slid it into her purse.

The whole thing seemed a little too good to be true, but her friends swore by it. Binaural tones; the newest thing in digital drugs. She bought it to help her concentrate and remember better At home she prepared for bed and started. It just sounded like static, but gradually she could hear it, warbling slow, as if passing a sound back and forth through her brain. She woke in the morning, face down on her bed, head buried in a pillow, in a wonderfully relaxed mood. Normally it took forever and two cups of coffee for her to feel awake. And she felt…good, so very good.

Angela remembered having a very good dream. She had been in a cottage on the beach she couldn’t remember the face of the man in the dream, but she did remember that he made her cum, long slow orgasms that she loved. Even thinking about them in her waking state made her roll her hips slowly. She could imagine his hand, or his cock, or his mouth over her, working her expertly toward another one. Denise’s alarm began buzzing and it roused Angela enough for her to realize it was her hand that was making her feel those things.

She pulled free as Carol slapped off the alarm. Angela rose and prepared for her classes that day.

In her first class, her mind wandered while the professor prattled. She settled her gaze on one of the boys a row ahead of her and to the right. He turned and smiled. He stood and pulled Angela with him to the front of the class. No one seemed to notice or care. He kissed her slowly for a few moments then took her shoulders and turned her. A gentle hand at her back pressed her over the desk. He lifted her skirt then lowered her panties to her ankles. Angela stepped free. She sensed the boy sliding up behind her and the rasp of his zipper sent a pleasant wave through her. His cock felt like fire when it pressed up against her. Angela was wet and ready and throbbing. She rolled her hips back to meet him. He was thick and he stretched her: bigger than any boy she’d been with before and the strain of it tearing at her pulled a groan from her.

 “Angela!” The professor was standing beside her chair. “Are you all right?”

She looked around, the class was definitely looking at her now “I’m sorry,” she muttered “I’m not feeling well.”

 The professor ended the class and Angela gathered her bag and walked from the classroom in a daze.

“What the fuck was that?” she wondered. She’d fantasized in clas before but they had never felt that real. She sat at the back of the room near the door for her next class in case she began to drift again and needed to leave. About halfway through the next lecture the girl beside her stood and walked to the door. Angela saw her motioning for her to join her in the hallway. By the time Angela made it there, the girl was leaning against the far wall. She wore all black and her skin was pale porcelain. She lifted her skirt and Angela saw that she wore only black leggings with the crotch torn out. A black groomed strip pointed down to her pussy, and Angela could see that she was swollen and glistening. “You want to taste me, I can see it in your eyes.” She taunted in a husky voice.

Angela did, and lowered herself to her knees before the girl. She nuzzled her cheek against the dark hair, inhaling the musk of her. She wrapped her hands into Angela’s hair and turned her head and pushed her hips forward until Angela’s lips met hers. Angela parted her mouth and dipped her tongue into her. She used her mouth to cover her and traced every curve of the stranger’s pussy with her tongue. The taste- amazing, the scent-heady.

The girl pulled Angela closer and the roots of her hair throbbed and Angela realized that it matched the throbbing she felt low and burning in her body. Angela groaned with the sheer intensity of it.

She woke from the daydream and the entire class was staring at her.

Something was wrong, horribly wrong she knew. Angela grabbed her bag and bolted from the room. She kept her head down as she crossed the campus until finally she reached the safe confines of her room.

Angela closed the door and leaned back against it. She took several deep breaths then opened her eyes. Her roommate sat naked on her bed. She held a vibrator that she had shown Angela months ago. Denise idly flipped it on and off. “I swapped the cards.” She said. “I used mine more than three times and it changes what it does. It wakes you up to new things, lowers your inhibitions so you’ll want to try them. I can’t… by myself anymore.” Denise confessed, “But I think maybe we can do it together.” Denise caught Angela’s eyes and thumbed on the vibrator again and left it running.

Angela closed her eyes and let the fantasy take her.

 Wicked Wednesday



I have bouts on insomnia and was desperate enough to try binaural tones from an app on my phone to help me sleep. I feel much better sleeping with them going through my head. I've used them for many circumstances, concentration, relaxation, dreamy sleep, deep sleep...and have had some very good results. I don't know if there is one that would produce the reaction that Angela and Denise have, but it would certainly be interesting to try.