Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Aural Aids

This week #WickedWednesday's challenge was to write a story between 500 to 1000 words that began "Angela brushed her skirt, took a deep breath and walked towards where he was sitting." I have to say that it was a challenge. My first draft was about 2500 pages, and a much better story, this comes in at 998. After this week I'll may work on the original bit so you can see what I had to cut out to make it fit. Its not great, but I hope you enjoy.



Angela brushed her skirt, took a deep breath and walked towards where he was sitting. She sat at the table, leaned forward and whispered, “Are you the guy.”

 He looked her over, smiling after a moment. “That depends on what guy you think I am.”

 “The one with the study aids.” Angela turned her hand over and flashed the cash had stowed there. “I am that guy.” He pulled out a sim card and placed it on the table.

“You don’t have to be so clandestine,” he teased, “It’s perfectly legal.” She dropped the cash and reached for the card. “One person, three plays. That’s the deal.” She nodded and he lifted the finger. Angela picked up the chip and slid it into her purse.

The whole thing seemed a little too good to be true, but her friends swore by it. Binaural tones; the newest thing in digital drugs. She bought it to help her concentrate and remember better At home she prepared for bed and started. It just sounded like static, but gradually she could hear it, warbling slow, as if passing a sound back and forth through her brain. She woke in the morning, face down on her bed, head buried in a pillow, in a wonderfully relaxed mood. Normally it took forever and two cups of coffee for her to feel awake. And she felt…good, so very good.

Angela remembered having a very good dream. She had been in a cottage on the beach she couldn’t remember the face of the man in the dream, but she did remember that he made her cum, long slow orgasms that she loved. Even thinking about them in her waking state made her roll her hips slowly. She could imagine his hand, or his cock, or his mouth over her, working her expertly toward another one. Denise’s alarm began buzzing and it roused Angela enough for her to realize it was her hand that was making her feel those things.

She pulled free as Carol slapped off the alarm. Angela rose and prepared for her classes that day.

In her first class, her mind wandered while the professor prattled. She settled her gaze on one of the boys a row ahead of her and to the right. He turned and smiled. He stood and pulled Angela with him to the front of the class. No one seemed to notice or care. He kissed her slowly for a few moments then took her shoulders and turned her. A gentle hand at her back pressed her over the desk. He lifted her skirt then lowered her panties to her ankles. Angela stepped free. She sensed the boy sliding up behind her and the rasp of his zipper sent a pleasant wave through her. His cock felt like fire when it pressed up against her. Angela was wet and ready and throbbing. She rolled her hips back to meet him. He was thick and he stretched her: bigger than any boy she’d been with before and the strain of it tearing at her pulled a groan from her.

 “Angela!” The professor was standing beside her chair. “Are you all right?”

She looked around, the class was definitely looking at her now “I’m sorry,” she muttered “I’m not feeling well.”

 The professor ended the class and Angela gathered her bag and walked from the classroom in a daze.

“What the fuck was that?” she wondered. She’d fantasized in clas before but they had never felt that real. She sat at the back of the room near the door for her next class in case she began to drift again and needed to leave. About halfway through the next lecture the girl beside her stood and walked to the door. Angela saw her motioning for her to join her in the hallway. By the time Angela made it there, the girl was leaning against the far wall. She wore all black and her skin was pale porcelain. She lifted her skirt and Angela saw that she wore only black leggings with the crotch torn out. A black groomed strip pointed down to her pussy, and Angela could see that she was swollen and glistening. “You want to taste me, I can see it in your eyes.” She taunted in a husky voice.

Angela did, and lowered herself to her knees before the girl. She nuzzled her cheek against the dark hair, inhaling the musk of her. She wrapped her hands into Angela’s hair and turned her head and pushed her hips forward until Angela’s lips met hers. Angela parted her mouth and dipped her tongue into her. She used her mouth to cover her and traced every curve of the stranger’s pussy with her tongue. The taste- amazing, the scent-heady.

The girl pulled Angela closer and the roots of her hair throbbed and Angela realized that it matched the throbbing she felt low and burning in her body. Angela groaned with the sheer intensity of it.

She woke from the daydream and the entire class was staring at her.

Something was wrong, horribly wrong she knew. Angela grabbed her bag and bolted from the room. She kept her head down as she crossed the campus until finally she reached the safe confines of her room.

Angela closed the door and leaned back against it. She took several deep breaths then opened her eyes. Her roommate sat naked on her bed. She held a vibrator that she had shown Angela months ago. Denise idly flipped it on and off. “I swapped the cards.” She said. “I used mine more than three times and it changes what it does. It wakes you up to new things, lowers your inhibitions so you’ll want to try them. I can’t… by myself anymore.” Denise confessed, “But I think maybe we can do it together.” Denise caught Angela’s eyes and thumbed on the vibrator again and left it running.

Angela closed her eyes and let the fantasy take her.

 Wicked Wednesday



I have bouts on insomnia and was desperate enough to try binaural tones from an app on my phone to help me sleep. I feel much better sleeping with them going through my head. I've used them for many circumstances, concentration, relaxation, dreamy sleep, deep sleep...and have had some very good results. I don't know if there is one that would produce the reaction that Angela and Denise have, but it would certainly be interesting to try.


  1. Yes, trying new things is good for a person, and sometimes they just need a little nudge in the right direction. I enjoyed reading.

  2. Sounds like a touch of hypnosis going on here.... interesting read!

    ~Mia~ xx

  3. Oh I definitely like what you did with the prompt. Great read :)

    Rebel xox
